Thursday, May 30, 2013

What are some ways to save money around the house?

Question by **~lyssa lou~**: What are some ways to save money around the house?
people with the most ways gets the ten points! (easy!!!)

Best answer:

Answer by angelpoet04
Turn off lights when not in use.
Unplug anything electrical that you are not currently using.
Keep the thermostat set around 68-70 for summers or winters, depending on where you live. Better yet, if you live in a warm climate, open up the windows while you are home and let fresh air in and save on the electric bill!
Recycle newspapers for: paint projects(to put down to catch spills)
to line a hamster or bird cage
tear into strips and incorporate them into a
compost pile
Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth.
Use junk mail envelopes to write down your shopping list.
Reuse the plastic bags from the grocery store as small trash can bags.
Use coffee grounds to help fertilize your household plants.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. everything the first person said are good ideas that i use
    you also forgot using shopping bags as trash bags
    reusing water bottles

  2. West Aussie JezusFreak.May 30, 2013 at 2:10 PM

    Dont use a spinkle, hand water( shorten the time and not as likly yo water concrete)
    Do one big washing load not heaps of little ones
    If not many dishes, hand wash them instead of using a dishwasher.
    Walk instead of driving everywehere.
    Eat he crusts in a loaf of bread.
    Instead of have takeaway have some frozen peas, chips, fish or chips.
    When cooking, do everry thing at the same time, so you dont need to keep preheating.
    Create your own Vegetable garden.
    Plant trees around the home to create shade( it will also encourage nice birds to your garden).
    Use fluresent light buld instead of normal, ( it may seem expensive in the short run, but in the long run it saves heaps).
    Use a jug to catch cold water while waiting for the warm water, or alternatly, use cold water and boil it up.
    In summer install a fan it will keep you feeling cooler.
    Use a line to dry your clothes when possible.
    Get a pet, if they lay on your lap, you wont need toheat up the room quite as much.
    Instead of using a AC in summer, open windows at night and close them again in the morning before the temp. get back up.
    If you have spare room in your freezer, put icecubes in it,wich makes it like a igloo.

    Doing this, I realised how much money I coloud save, thanks alot
    Hope I help.

  3. 1)Replace regular light bulbs with new energy efficient ones
    2) Turn off lights when you leave the room
    3) Unplug appliances when not in use (some still use electricity)
    4) Recharge phones through car chargers
    5) Use microwave instead of stove burners.
    6) Use toaster oven instead of regular large oven
    7) Lower you hot water temp.
    8) Use air dry cycle on your dishwasher.
    9) Don't rinse, but scrape your dishes before loading.
    10) Use pressure cooker that shorten cooking times.
    11) Wash only large loads of clothes.
    12) Use cold water to wash clothes.
    13)Use cold water to rinse clothes
    14) Hang dry instead of using dryer.
    15) Check insulation in attic areas.
    16)Check air flow around doors and windows (some electric companies will do this for you)
    17) Recycle and reuse what you already have.
    18)Turn off water when brushing teeth
    19) Time your showers to see how long you actually run water, then shorten by a couple of minutes.
    20) Adjust toilet to use less water.
    21) Buy things like soap and Toilet tissue in bulk
    22) Add extra blankets and turn down heat at night and when your gone for long periods of time.
    23) Turn down heat anyway and add sweaters and socks.
    24)Pay bills on line instead of by mail.
    25) Use the library for magazines and books, some movies too
    26) cut down on your cable bill by watching things online.
    27) grow your own produce or freeze things when in season.
    28) Walmart will price match sales from other stores if you ask.
    29) Make lists for errands so you don't back track yourself.
    30) Use cloth napkins instead of paper
    31)Use dish towel instead of paper towels.
    32) Use vinegar, baking soda and ammonia as you cleaning agents.
    33)Replace computor fans with energy efficient ones when needed.
    34) Use junk mail envelopes as scratch paper.
    35) Switch to prepaid phone instead of cell phones when you can.
    36) When possible have drapes on windows and close them to keep out the heat in summer and the cold out in winter.
    37) Ask yourself before you buy something if it is a Need, or a WANT
    38) Shop thrift and second hand stores for bargins.
    39) shop ebay with free shipping on things like razor blades,
    40)Agree with family members to have a time together this holiday season with no gift exchanges or limited $ spending.
    41) Recheck things like insurance to make sure your getting the best prices.
    42) Shop around for best pharmacy prices.
    43) Check phone and cable to see if you could reduce anything that you are now getting but not using.
    44) replace shower heads with water savers.
    45) Run exhast fans for minimum times as they pull out hot air in the winter and cold air in the summer.
    46) Wait for garage doors to close then manually turn off light instead of letting it stay on with timer.

    Hope some of these help
