Question by ♘ Vader: Guns/supplies/tips for surviving SHTF or WROL?Please give web links or book titles for SHTF or WROL preparation.
We live in an affluent neighborhood 20-30 miles N-NE of downtown Dallas. Our daughters are living in campus housing in Austin (200 miles away) and Stanford (1,700 miles away).
For a middle-age couple and 2 daughters in college, what would be the minimum amount of canned/dry food, clean water, gasoline, medical supplies? How long should we plan for before help arrives (from the government?? -- They didn't do much during Katrina)
We have NO hunting skills or "wilderness survival" skills. The closest we get to hunting for food is deciding whether it's Outback or Red Lobster for dinner :-(
If we were starting from scratch, with exactly a 12-month time-frame, what stockpile would we need? How many handguns or rifles and what calibers would we need (assuming SHTF or WROL happened during school breaks).
If SHTF happens while school is in session, how does the kid from California get to us? We assume it will be a game-time decision whether we drive to Austin (and back) or the kid goes to us.
Note: We already have a 9mm Beretta 92FS and Taurus 1911 45 ACP (and about 1k rounds for each). And I reload both calibers for practice.
Best answer:Answer by Boooorrrriiing!
Go and take some hunting classes while you can. There is plenty in Texas. Really it isn't that hard. Just take time out of your busy life style. Plenty of guides on how-to's.
Also if you don't have any .22 rifles. Get a few. Those would be handier than those pistols. The pistols are only ok for close encounters which you don't want to be having anyway. You can use the .22's for hunting small game.
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