Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moms, save my rump roast please?

Question by Leah's Mommy: Moms, save my rump roast please?
Ok. I have a 3 pound rump roast. Should I throw it in the crock pot? I don't have any beef broth or cream of mushroom soup. I do have some carrots but thats it. Should I pressure cook it after I season it? Help!

PS - FWIW, I have an electric pressure cooker.

Best answer:

Answer by Flo
I wish I could help. But I have yet to cook a roast that isn't closer to jerky than real food. :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Throw it in the crock pot with some water and southwest seasonings. Oh, and canned tomatoes if you have them. The acid will help break down the fibers in the meat.
    Then, after it is cooked, cut it up (or shred it if it is really tender) and use it to make tacos or burritos. Yummy!

  2. Deans, IDWaN, pushed that babby out!June 5, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    I like BB's idea. You could also add bbq sauce and have beef bbq sandwiches. YUM!

  3. Jenn H ~#2 on the way!June 5, 2013 at 12:30 PM

    Id put it in the crock pot and add the carrots and potatos if you have some----i love it like that----good luck!

  4. Aubree's Momma♥June 5, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    This may sound stupid.. but is a rump roast the same thing as a roast that would be considered 'pot roast'? If so, just throw it in the crock pot with some potatoes, carrots, green beans, maybe some onion and let it cook all day (: If you have some pot roast seasoning ..that'd be even better but if not.. the roast should be enough to flavor everything up a bit...add salt + pepper to taste and ...wooola!

  5. Beau in Disguise♥June 5, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    Put it in the crock pot with some water, salt, pepper, and whatever other seasonings you like.

    I'd be careful putting tomatoes in...the fat that's going to cook out of the pot roast mixed with the tomatoes is going to turn into pink mush.

  6. Bond... Indiana BondJune 5, 2013 at 1:38 PM

    Well, you don't HAVE to have a mom to answer this. It's well known that there are far more male chefs in the world. I happen to be one of them. Now, as a pressure cooker would cook your roast very quickly it also leaves you without much flavor. A crock pot would be your best bet. Adding broth would be best but you don't have to have it. Seasoned water will be just fine. Put it in early in the morning and let it cook on medium all day. If you do want to use a pressure cooker then wait until it's done to season it unless you have an injector. In that case you inject the seasoning into the roast before cooking.

  7. She Is My Sunshine!June 5, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    I would use the crock pot, 1/2 cup water, seasonings and lots of veggies, It turns out good that way too

  8. You don't need to add liquid when you use a crock pot, that's a common misconception. If you put it in dry, the meat will give off it's juices and you won't need the extra liquid. just season as you normally would, putting your carrots on the bottom so they'll cook in the meat's juices.

  9. Pressure cook it - probably only take about 30 minutes but check your guide. Go ahead and add the carrots they will cook up nicely too. If you add a little onion, salt and pepper it will make a broth that can be used to make gravy. If you have potatoes you can put them in too but keep them rather large pieces so they dont cook a lot faster than the other stuff.
