I have a new pressure cooker and in the manual it says in french:
"source a chaufrage: a flamme"
"ne se placer sur un plaque electrique"
the pot is made from aluminimum.
does that mean it can ONLY be used on a flame? no normal e-stove?
what would happen if I still use it with my normal e-stove, would that be dangerous?
its this model: ttp://www.ebay.at/itm/SCHNELLKOCHTOPF-CLASSIC-20-LITER-PRESSION-COCOTTE-MINUTE-NEU-NEU-NEU-/251244981372?pt=DE_Haus_Garten_Kochen_Geniessen&hash=item3a7f5e2c7c
Best answer:
Answer by Fuchsiaman
Use any preasure cooker on an electric cooker Thats what they are made for
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Pressure cookers are designed to work on gas or electric - don't worry.