Friday, June 7, 2013

Can I use this pressure cooker on a electric stove?

Question by jon: Can I use this pressure cooker on a electric stove?
I have a new pressure cooker and in the manual it says in french:
"source a chaufrage: a flamme"
"ne se placer sur un plaque electrique"

the pot is made from aluminimum.

does that mean it can ONLY be used on a flame? no normal e-stove?
what would happen if I still use it with my normal e-stove, would that be dangerous?

its this model: ttp://

Best answer:

Answer by Fuchsiaman
Use any preasure cooker on an electric cooker Thats what they are made for

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Pressure cookers are designed to work on gas or electric - don't worry.
