Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Crock Pot Questions?!?

Question by :O: Crock Pot Questions?!?
I'm planning on cooking brisket for my grandma and I remembered a delicious recipe that requires a crock pot. I asked my mom about it and she said it would explode? She said if I lifted the lid it would kill me. And if it didn't kill me, it would go through the roof due to all the pressure inside. She said to make sure the lid was closed and press a button to let the steam out. The steam would come out rapidly an hurt me too? Is all this true? What can I do to prevent this?!

Best answer:

Answer by Annette
Shes talking about a pressure cooker. A crock pot has no pressure in it. Its just an electric pot that cooks things slowly.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Your mom is confused. She is describing a pressure cooker, which uses built up steam to cook. When using a pressure cooker, you have to hit a release valve to let the steam out or you actually can blow the lid off of it and hurt yourself.

    A crock pot, on the other hand, is a ceramic pot that sits inside a heating element.. Foods cooked in a crock pot are meant to cook low and slow for 6-14 hours.

    Pressure cookers are best for cooking tough cuts of meat fast. Crock pots are best for cooking tough cuts of meat slow.. If you're doing a brisket, use a crock pot. It's a good cut of meat that deserves to be treated as such.
