Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Can you make an alcohol still out of an electric pressure cooker?

Question by Christian: Can you make an alcohol still out of an electric pressure cooker?

Best answer:

Answer by Corvato
if you could somehow regulate the temperature to a stable 180 degrees, so the alcohol evaporates and the water stays behind... otherwise it won't work.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. It may be the U.S. it would also be illegal. Unless you pay taxes on the alcohol you produce, purchase a license, etc. to be legal. If you have the funds for all that you may as well get a legitimate still and go for it.

    Good luck and enjoy.

  2. Can you? Yes. Is it practical? Not at all.

    Not only does a pressure cooker cook way to hot to distill alcohol. its also an air tight container under pressure so there would be no way to continually gather the alcohol and maintain pressure. IF you are looking to make a a cheap still try a pot with a tight fitting metal lid. Drill a hole in a lid big enough for a length of food grade plastic tubing. Run the tube though a bucket or large bowl of ice water and then out into a jar or other vessel to collect the alcohol. Add you alcoholic wash to the pot and heat to a stable 175 and hold. This set up will produce alcohol but it will take trial and error to get it to work, also you might have to distill 2-3 times to hit your target strength, but hey what do you want from a cheap still that takes 5 min and $ 5 to make!
