Friday, May 10, 2013

Do the newer (modern) pressure cookers work better than the old ones?

Question by PENNYLANE: Do the newer (modern) pressure cookers work better than the old ones?
If you can cook a roast in 40 minutes, doesn't it dry out, or does it taste like it was in the cooked in the oven and still juicy?

Best answer:

Answer by roo_vel
1000 times better, you wont be sorry if you buy one.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. you can't roast in a pressure cooker, you need a lot of moisture
    you can braise, boil, simmer etc
    you can make soups, stews, and braised meat dishes.

  2. Apparently Covato has never made a roast in a pressure cooker. They make very moist, flavorful roasts.
    I only have old pressure cookers. The kind you use on the stove top. I watched a HSN show with an electric one, but I wasn't impressed. It was too dumbed down and really expensive.
    I would imagine an old one and a new one will work pretty much the same, using the same principles of cooking food under pressure.

  3. We have an electric one and it is great.We use it for roasts,beans chili,and soup among other things.It is so easy,just set the timer and it beeps when it's done.Much,much better than a slow cooker.
