I wrote the history project but i dont know how to finish it. It's about the history of engines and how they helped the world.
Engines are the basis of suburbanization and they allow us to go to work and visit our friends and families. But have you ever thought about where they came from. They are a very significant part of history and many things would have been different if it hadn’t been for engines.
The steam engine was the first real type of engine. Thomas Savery was the inventor of the steam engine. He was the first to patent his version of the steam engine. It was first used to pump water in and out of coal mines. His design was based a pressure cooker invented by Denis Papin in 1679. Savery had a partner named Thomas Newcomen who worked with him as a blacksmith. Newcomen came to improve on the original design by adding pistons to it. This improved the efficiency and power of the engine. James watt was known for his work with Thomas Edison. He is also known for creating the watt system we use today. Watt made the final improvements to the steam engine. His modifications used about 75% less coal than the Newcomen design used.
The steam engine is an important part of history. The steam engine was the start of mass production in factories. Stationary steam engines were used in almost every factory in Britain. Some of the first uses of the steam engines were in mills on wheat grinders. The use of the steam engine pushed production up substantially which was an important part of the industrial revolution.
The automobile is a very important part of history and everyday life. The automobile was created around the late 1800’s and no one is really sure who created the first model. Karl Benz gets most of the credit for the car design. His design of the car was fueled by gasoline and was powered by an internal combustion engine. He patented the design in 1891 and he became the largest manufacturer of the automobile for his time. There were 100’s of different models of the automobile being sold around the world soon after the first Benz car. Steam engines couldn’t be incorporated into the car design because of its tendency to explode. At the time gas was abundant and cheap so it wasn’t a problem then to have a gas engine then. The steam engine was then limited to mostly boats and trains. The engines we use in cars today are internal combustion engines. There were many different models like the kerosene models made by George Brayton in 1873. But Nicolaus Otto invented an effective four-stroke combustion engine which he called the “Otto cycle engine”. He built it on a motorcycle and his engine and his engine was adopted to every liquid fueled automobile.
By 1894 races were very popular. In 1895 “The race of the century” was held in Chicago and the winner Charles E. Duryea was famous. In 1896 the Duryea brothers were the first in America to sell cars off a production line. One of the thirteen cars sold went to Barnum and Baailey for even more fame and publicity. The horse and carriage were becoming outdated and people thought that horses were hard to deal with and they were better off with a car that doesn’t get tired and doesn’t need to be fed or cared for as often as a horse. Cars didn’t produce waste that had to be cleaned or picked up and they didn’t get sick. Horses produce about 30lbs of feces each day which dirtied the roads and the air causing lung problems in children who had to play around it. Horses were often mistreated and would collapse on the roads from exhaustion. Cars were replacing horses simply because they caused less problems and they were more reliable. Before cars people had to live near they’re work place in order to be at work on time which caused congestion in cities and towns. Cars were able to go farther and run longer which allowed people to live farther away from they’re work places, friends and family.
Electric vehicles have been around since the early 1800’s. The electric car was invented by Robert Anderson. More successful version of the electric vehicle were invented by Thomas Davenport and Robert Davidson who were the first to use non-rechargeable electric cells. Micheal Faraday was the inventor of the electric motor. He was a physicist and chemist. He began experiments in 1831 when he discovered electromagnetic induction which is the basis of modern electromagnetic technology. Michael Faraday discovered that if you rotate a copper disc between the poles of a horseshoe magnet it created a steady current of electricity. This discovery led to electric motors generators and transformers. Gaston Plante invented a storage battery in 1865. Camille Faure improved the capacity of the of the battery allowing electric vehicles to flourish. The electric tricycle William Morrison invented an electric powered wagon in the same year. These inventions brought American interest in electric vehicles. In 1897 a fleet of taxis were sent to New York which was the first commercial applicat
it got cut off because of the character limit but its not much. PS it's a 7th grade report
Best answer:
Answer by Fred T
The purpose of a conclusion is to bring your essay or report full circle. In other words, you want to summarize what is the essence or gist of your paper, imprint the final lasting impression on the reader's mind and - this is what I mean by full circle - repeat a theme, phrase or idea found prominently in the introduction. Thus you could write something to the effect, "Engines have had a significant impact on our society in many different ways. We take them for granted because we use them constantly, such as in our cars for transportation. Yet we can deepen our appreciation for engines by understanding their most interest history of how they became the servants of mankind that they are today". Anyway, you can paraphrase in your own words and style. But you see that it recapitulates the report in a nutshell. It's like your report were a house and on the front porche you invited your readers into your "house" with your introduction - come, here about engines. Then you took the readers on a tour of the "house" as you covered different main topics about the history of engines (each room was a topic). The conclusion is like your back porch. By referring back to the main ideas (the rooms) and what you'd presented in your introduction (the front porch) in the conclusion, you have the readers "look back" into the whole house. That's a figurative way of thinking about it. I wish you well in school and it appears you enjoy writing. Thanks for your interesting report. Keep up the good work!
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