Bought a old used pressure Cooker pretty cheap and don't really know how to use it. It is electric and has old temp gauge from warm to 400 and the lid and the pot have handles that lock together. From what I know pressure Cooker s have weight s on top of them for the psi ( I need 15 psi for about 90 minutes for pint jars) but this on just has a metal tube coming out of it and a rubber top to the side that goes up with pressure. While this work? What do I do? I have pics don't know how to add
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Answer by pacman
a pressure cooker works on a simple principle - by trapping the pressure of heated water it raises the boiling temperature of water. thus you can cook your food in higher temperatures without the water boiling away. the down side is that it is a dangerous operation. you have to make sure the safety valve is operational or you could end up with a very bad injury. here is a link to help you understand the benefits and the risks.
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I highly recommend you call your local county extension office (they are listed in the county government section of the phone book.) All extension offices have a "master canner" on staff that can check out the pressure cooker for you to see if it is safe to use and can instruct you in HOW to use it. I definitely wouldn't can anything in this until it has been checked out for safety and accuracy. Extension offices are free resources.