Wednesday, May 8, 2013

If you had to to go back to times when they didn't have the amenities we have now what would you miss the most

Question by gman: If you had to to go back to times when they didn't have the amenities we have now what would you miss the most
What could you not do without I.E. Tv Lights Running Water ect ect could you do it?

Best answer:

Answer by Alan S
indoor plumbing

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Indoor plumbing.

  2. A real toilet. Ugg to sit in a porta potty all day and have to go out for a walk everytime I wanted to go to the bathroom...that would suck!!!

  3. AIR CONDITIONING!!! :) I can put on enough clothes to keep warm with just a fire, but I have never taken off enough clothes to keep cool in hot weather!!

  4. I think I would miss indoor plumbing the most. I could do without electricity because I love to read books. I could do without TV because there is nothing good on anymore anyway, except for Survivor. You can cook over an open fire, you can have candles for light. Plumbing is what I wold miss.

  5. Survivor Fiji - I couldn't survive without my weekly hit.

  6. in door plumbing.

  7. I don't know how I would be able to live if I could no longer drive down the highway at 85 miles per hour, weaving in and out of traffic, cutting off other drivers and flipping them the bird out of my car window.

  8. I have become accustomed to all the amenities of living in this era...lights, indoor plumbing, TV, air conditioning (and I live in the South!!!!)...
    But since I am 48 years old and remember what life was before we had desktop computers, cell phones and faxes, I most likely could do without all of those....

  9. Microwave meals
    Diet soups
    Aeroplanes and INTERNET!!!

  10. What would I miss the most? My washer/drier; my pressure cooker; the microwave; the canned dogfood; the electric iron; the vacuum cleaner; the television for news and weather reports (I could get along very well without any of the rest of the programming lol); telephone communication; air conditioning/central heating... and I am sure a ton of other modern conveniences that have become so much a routine part of daily life, and I take so much for granted that I can't even think of them all.
    You might have noticed that I haven't mentioned the computer. I lived the first several decades of my life without one, so I wouldn't find it too hard at this point to go back to not having one.
    All that other stuff, boy, I'd have a very hard time without them. But the really scarey thing is ...... it could actually happen.

  11. The left handed phone..
