Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What type of stove and and refrigerator use less energy?

Question by chevette07: What type of stove and and refrigerator use less energy?
this is for a envionmental science procject.

Best answer:

Answer by Micky D
any stove and fridge with an energystar logo on it it uses almost zero power to stay running enerygy star is looking to make this world a better place we should all get a n enerygy star applience

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Anything with with the Energy Star logo on it,use it. It's guaranteed to use less energy.

  2. here is the info hope you like earth sciences its the best way to learn about your environment

  3. a refrigerator with the freezer at the top or bottom made after 2004 instead of side by side would save quite a bit

  4. There are many services and tips provided by local energy companies. The Southern California Gas Company offers rebates and incentives for retrofitting and/or buying energy efficient products.

    Check out the Southern California Gas Company's energy efficiency website at http://socalgas.com/energyefficiency/

  5. Energy Star

    Designed to promote efficient energy usage in homes and businesses, the Energy Star program is a joint effort of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the DOE. Appliances that earn the Energy Star label—signified by a blue-and-white logo featuring a star—exceed the efficiency of the federal appliance standards by 10 to 40 percent. The Energy Star Web site, www.energystar.gov, offers more information about home energy efficiency, including special offers or rebates and a list of Energy Star qualified appliances.
